About the show
بودكاست يختص بطريق الأمومة والطموح سوياً، يناقش افكار بناءة و يستضيف ضيوف مميزين في هذا المجال و يسلط الضوء على التحديات التي تواجه كل ام بصمت، لكي يكون دليل و الهام لكل ام طموحة و تسعى للوصول الى اعلى درجات العلم و التطور الذاتي و المهني مع اطفالها.
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For you from the leading independent podcast production company in MENA!
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Curated by Sowt for You
Join the famjam
We know you love a little connection. So do we.
Sowt embraces its people and we’re constantly growing our team of talents and community that share our values, and above all, our passion. You’re one of us for the long haul no matter how you contribute to Sowt.
The beautiful thing about it is that we have a non-negotiable work-life balance situation that is set in stone. You know enough about us by now to see what we may have in common. So, let’s huddle and have a good time.
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